Disability Etiquette

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From Awkward to Awesome: 8 Disability Etiquette Tips

From Awkward to Awesome: 8 Disability Etiquette Tips

Let’s be honest. We all have moments when we are unsure of the best way to interact with co-workers.
This is where workplace etiquette comes in. It’s meant to eliminate those awkward moments–creating a respectful, professional, and positive work environment for everyone

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How to Name Your Firm’s Disability ERGs and BRGs

How to Name Your Firm’s Disability ERGs and BRGs

Resource groups are becoming more prevalent as the workplace culture shifts to create a more diverse and inclusive environment. ERG (Employee Resource Group) and BRG (Business Resource Group) are the most widely used terms to describe these groups within organizations.

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Planet X Bosnia 1996

Planet X Bosnia 1996

In 1996, as host of Planet X, a sports lifestyle show, I had the great opportunity to travel to Bosnia.

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Adaptive sports

Adaptive sports

Take a look at the equipment I use to stay active and engaged in recreational and competitive sports.

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Mountain biking

Mountain biking

When I tell people I’ve been mountain biking, they think I’m crazy. What makes me any crazier than anybody else who does a sport like this?

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Reasonable Accommodations During a Pandemic

Reasonable Accommodations During a Pandemic

This pandemic has created a variety of workplace-related issues, and employers are now faced with a greater demand for temporary accommodations. What accommodations can employers provide to help all employees perform to the best of their abilities?

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