Remote Workers with Disabilities Are an Asset

by Aug 19, 2020

Home » The Disability Inclusion Blog » Remote Workers with Disabilities Are an Asset

The pandemic forced a majority of companies to find ways for their workforce to continue to work successfully but from afar. In essence, COVID-19 made accessibility a priority.

Many businesses that have been resistant to embrace accessibility are still struggling to find the right formula for working remotely. On the other hand, companies that actively recruit and retain people with disabilities have seen remote employees and their enterprise thrive. These firms were prepared with proper accommodations, tools, and equipment for remote work.
A successful remote work situation hinges on making a home office secure and reliable, including:

  • Mobile hotspots serve as backup when the power or the internet go out.
  • Screen sharing software allows employees not in the office to share their work and files with other team members without needing to be in the same room.
  • Video conferencing apps allow employees working remotely to participate in face-to-face meetings.
  • Cloud storage allows employees to access information from anywhere and instantly share it with others.
  • Encryption software scrambles data so that sensitive information doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

As a society, there’s much that can be learned from this pandemic. For example, it’s important to continue to create more avenues for people to work from home while supporting colleagues with disabilities. Are you wondering where to start? The iDisability® e-learning platform can be an effective tool. Our newest module, “Engaging Employees with Disabilities in Work from Home Opportunities,” can provide valuable information now and in the future.

Over 4 million business users across a variety of industries have already used our 38 distinctly different and practical modules to develop their brand and support their staff. Experience it for yourself.

Andrew D. Houghton

Andrew D. Houghton

President, Disability Inclusion Solutions

Nationally Recognized Accessibility Expert. Creating Innovative Disability Inclusion Solutions. Certified DOBE.


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