Hooray! 3 New iDisability Modules For Your Team

by Jul 14, 2021

Home » The Disability Inclusion Blog » Hooray! 3 New iDisability Modules For Your Team

iDisability® is continually working to create unique content that promotes a more inclusive and diverse workforce. So, we’re excited to announce we’ve added three new modules to help you do just that. 
To continue to help you create a workplace where everyone is present, heard, and valued, we’ve added the following three modules: 

Inclusive Practices in Remote Screening

This module examines the disability biases and stigma that impact hiring decisions during the remote screening process.

  • Review inclusive practices for screening and interviewing applicants with disabilities.
  • Identify best practices for removing barriers.
  • Discuss standard tools used in remote screening with a focus on identifying accessibility considerations for each tool. 

The Role of Leadership in Mental Wellness Strategy

This module addresses the importance of mental well-being in the workplace from a business perspective. It focuses on how stigma and employee perception play a role in mental wellness strategy.

  • Review guidance in how to effectively address mental health in the workplace.
  • Receive tips for starting a conversation about mental health awareness and well-being.
  • Explore mindsets and behaviors that create a roadmap for success.

Mental Health Conversations for Managers

This module explores what it means to engage productively with employees during mental health self-disclosure conversations.

  • Review tips for managers on how to engage productively when discussing mental wellness matters with employees and colleagues.
  • Receive insight into how a manager can promote mental well-being in a team environment.
  • Discover techniques to use when dealing with performance management concerns and mental health accommodations.

These three new courses are available immediately and at no additional cost to existing iDisability® users. As with all our modules, content can be accessed using a computer, tablet, or mobile device. A learning takeaway and thought-starter discussion sheet accompany each new module to encourage continued learning.
Creating an inclusive and diverse organization doesn’t happen overnight, but the process certainly has its advantages. iDisability® has helped over 4 million business users across a variety of industries promote a more inclusive workforce. Discover how we can help you.

Andrew D. Houghton

Andrew D. Houghton

President, Disability Inclusion Solutions

Nationally Recognized Accessibility Expert. Creating Innovative Disability Inclusion Solutions. Certified DOBE.


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