4 Reasons Your Business Needs Diversity & Inclusion in 2024

by Jan 26, 2024

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The business landscape has undergone quite a journey recently. And according to an insightful article I recently came across on Forbes.com, the transformation is not over.

Not surprisingly, “The 10 Biggest Business Trends for 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready for Now” include AI, customer experiences, flexible working solutions, and advancements in sustainable practices. These trends will likely shape the strategies and priorities of businesses as they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented in the coming year.

One noteworthy “trend” highlighted in the article is Diversity and Inclusivity. While I’m thrilled this made the list, I must push back on the article’s word choice. Diversity and inclusivity are not fleeting trends – they’re essential for creating truly innovative teams and a thriving business culture. Describing them as mere trends undermines their profound impact on workplaces and society.

Two colleagues work together in an office. The older woman gestures to her notepad as the younger one follows along on her own. Courtesy of Disability:IN.
Two colleagues work together in an office. The older woman gestures to her notepad as the younger one follows along on her own. Courtesy of Disability IN

Here’s why diversity and inclusivity are indispensable in the workplace:

  • Innovation flourishes with diversity: Diverse teams bring a myriad of perspectives, ideas, and experiences to the table, fostering creativity and innovation vital for business advancement.
  • Superior employee engagement and retention: A workplace that values diversity fosters a sense of belonging, resulting in greater employee satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Reflecting customer base: In an interconnected world, customers appreciate businesses that mirror the diversity of their communities. This not only builds trust but also strengthens brand reputation.

Diversity and inclusivity are not trends that will come and go; they are the bedrock of a progressive and future-ready business landscape. And disability employment and inclusion training are the very essence of progress when it comes to creating an inclusive workplace.

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Andrew D. Houghton

Andrew D. Houghton

President, Disability Inclusion Solutions

Nationally Recognized Accessibility Expert. Creating Innovative Disability Inclusion Solutions. Certified DOBE.


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