2020: Lessons Learned

by Nov 30, 2020

Home » The Disability Inclusion Blog » 2020: Lessons Learned

It’s safe to say 2020 has turned out differently than anyone expected. In March, the country realized COVID-19 impacted parts of society differently. This underscored the inequality people with disabilities have been trying to illuminate for decades. But the pandemic’s unforeseen circumstances have also created learning opportunities. Businesses that remain committed to adopting a more inclusive work environment in 2021 can build on what 2020 has taught us all. 
The relationship between people with disabilities and the workforce is complicated. Some employers have been resistant to be accommodations, and some have been slow to understand how to be more inclusive. But in the last eight months, many employers have implemented changes allowing many in the disability community to participate more fully in the workplace. For example, this year some firms have:

  • Eliminated the need to commute
  • Offered more flexibility with work pace and schedule
  • Customized online meetings with closed captioning, messaging, and muting
  • Controlled workplace socialization

Above all else, this year has illustrated how quickly systems can be altered when they need to be. With 2021 rapidly approaching, employers have an opportunity to build on the momentum of this year. They can continue to implement systematic changes that will allow every employee to be successful in the workplace. 
One tool that will help guide a disability inclusion plan is iDisability®. Over 4 million business users across a variety of industries have already used our 38 e-learning modules to develop their brand and support their staff. Experience it for yourself today.

Andrew D. Houghton

Andrew D. Houghton

President, Disability Inclusion Solutions

Nationally Recognized Accessibility Expert. Creating Innovative Disability Inclusion Solutions. Certified DOBE.


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