While every person with a disability who does not disclose has his or her reasons, hiding a disability may create unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Disability Awareness Training
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Employing and Accommodating an Aging Workforce
Due, in part, to healthier and more active lifestyles, people continue to live longer. As a result, America’s workforce is aging.
Including Disability in a Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
Unfortunately, many diversity initiatives have a limited scope, and exclude disability from their reach.
Epilepsy and the Workplace Understanding Promotes Support
The most important part of accommodating people with epilepsy involves providing your workforce with basic facts about epilepsy and addressing the stigma associated with epilepsy.
The ROI of Inclusion: Disability Employment Strategies Boost the Bottom Line
The data is unsurmountable. Business leaders are discovering that hiring qualified candidates with disabilities can be a major boost for business.
Digital Accessibility
The ADA was enacted in 1990, when the internet was in its infancy. Since then, technology has exploded, and digital accessibility needs to be as prevalent as general accessibility.
Understanding and Applying the ADAAA
In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It was the first comprehensive civil rights law for people with disabilities, making it possible for everyone with a disability to live a life of inclusion and equality.
Communicating with People with Disabilities
Enhancing the ability of staffers to engage and interact in a relaxed and confident manner can ensure positive and respectful interactions.
Disability Employment Outreach Programs
Try these four proven strategies for reaching more potential applicants with disabilities:
Best Practices for Workplace Accommodations
Are you worried about having to provide reasonable accommodations or don’t know where to start?